Communication Aids

We offer an extensive range of Assistive Technology devices, including Communication Aids (AAC) to suit the varying needs of people with a speech disability including those with dexterity as well as speech disabilities.

Cheap Talk and Ablenet 

Still the best value, Cheap Talk and world renowned Ablenet communication devices give people with speech disabilities a "voice", enabling them to communicate through messages that you can prerecord to suit their situation.

Voice Amplifiers & Accessories  

For people with low speech volume, these compact, reliable little amplifiers can greatly assists communication.

Access to Computer, iPad, iPhone, Android

Disability Access to Computers, iPads, Mobiles: Windows, Mac, iOs and Android. We provide extensive Computer Access with a Single Switch!
Gain access to Word Processing and the Internet; Social Networking, Environment Control, Speech Synthesis communication software and much more.

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