Toys for all Abilities

For children with a disability, an adapted battery toy can be much more than play. We modify battery toys and sensory devices so that a capability switch  can be plugged into the toy. The switch gives the child an opportunity to control the toy and play independently. Through the use of these toys, children with a disability can learn cause/effect relationships. They also promote the child’s motor development, cognitive development, language and social interaction skills.

Over the longer term, these skills may be applied to much more sophisticated devices including educational, recreational, communication and environmental control equipment that can significantly enhance their quality of life.
We have categorised our toys according to the type of action and sound they give making it easy to find a toy that will suit your child’s needs. We also have clearance items which are updated regularly.

 Are pictured switches included with toys?

Some of the pictures of toys on this site show a switch to demonstrate the function. Unless specifically listed as a combination switch and toy bundle, we do not include switches with toys. We have a large range of switches which enables us to cater for specific user needs. Selling switches and toys separately makes it much easier to pick the best combination any individual's needs.

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