Single Switch Auditory Scanning Radio Door Remote
The Auditory Scanning Door Remote is part of Technical Solutions’ Door control system. It’s a special transmitter that enables a person who can operate a single switch to control up to four doors.
To use the transmitter, the user taps their switch or the built in SCAN button. The system will flash a LED and beep once. If the switch is tapped again after the beep, door one will be activated. If the switch is not tapped, the unit will wait a short while, and then flash the LED twice and emit two beeps. If the switch is tapped now, door two will be activated. By waiting for the LED flash and beeps corresponding to the door to be used, many doors can be operated via this simple process.
You can also choose if the door is to toggle state (if the door actuator is capable of holding open) or do an automatic timed open and close sequence:
A short press of the switch after the door selection beeps will make the door open and stay open if it was closed or close if it was open.
A long press of approx. 2 seconds until the scanner beeps will activate an automatic timed open and close cycle. The length of the hold open time is adjusted with a knob on each door controller.
You also need to purchase a Door Control Receiver for each door to be controlled.
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