This simple device provides an economical and safe method of introducing single switch scanning control of a power wheelchair. It is also a flexible evaluation tool to assess a person’s suitability for this method of chair control.
Using a manual wheelchair or with the teacher operating a powered chair, the student is set up with a switch suited to their physical needs. The Scanning Power Wheelchair Trainer (SPWCT) is placed on the chair tray or mounted in a suitable position.
In response to switch presses, the SPWCT displays a sequence which indicates a chosen direction of travel, and then an animated ‘lets go’ mode. The teacher or therapist then pushes or drives the chair in the direction instructed by the student.
When the student releases the switch, the SPWCT plays a ‘stop’ tone and the display reverts to the four direction choices. At this stage the teacher would stop the chair and wait for the next switch instruction.
Obviously the teacher can “stop the motor” at any time if the student is heading into an obstacle or danger.
The Scanning Power Wheelchair Trainer has:
- Adjustable scanning speed over a wide range
- Adjustable display brightness At full intensity, the display is easily visible in daylight.
- Adjustable sound effects volume, including silent mode.
Once the user has seen at least one product this snippet will be visible.